Why SeeTheGaps?

Why SeeTheGaps?

Academic and research experts are engaging in work all around the world on inequality and gap related topics, but their findings do not always make their way to the general public or policy makers.  There still is not enough political will to pay more attention to persistent inequalities, priorities legislation and funding, and implement actions towards closing gaps. To understand gaps in academic opportunities and achievement, adequate housing and other societal inequalities, and strategize on how to address them, we have to first SeeTheGaps.

Gaps are the seemingly insurmountable differences between poverty and privilege.  They are measured treatments and outcomes between demographic groups on school disciplinary charges, standardized test scores, and rates of incarceration. Gaps can be seen in access to healthcare, the amount of financial reserves a family has saved, the number of books in a home, and words that a child hears by age two.  Gaps are subtle like the availability of public transportation and childcare for working parents.  Gaps are everywhere.  SeeTheGaps focuses on those that fall along racial and class lines.

SeeTheGaps.org is a one-stop resource for delving into the issues behind gaps in racial and socieconomic opportunities and outcomes that have been researched and vetted by experts. We invite you to check out our Topics pages for references and links to academic articles, books, data sets, and studies and reports categorized by where and how gaps exist over a lifecourse.  We welcome suggestions for other resources.

We invite you to add your commentary and expertise, ask questions, and suggest resources and programs that you think help address these and other gaps in society.  Let’s think and work across disciplines to close the gaps.


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