What are gaps?

Gaps in Prenatal Environments

Many prenatal factors that effect how a child develops in the womb also can contribute to [predisposition and ability to learn and read.] Poverty has a strong correlation to low birth-weight [cite]  What scientists are discovering is that 



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Life Gaps

Without intervention, children born into poverty have higher rates of (i) behavioral misconduct, (ii) arrests and incarceration, (iii) truancy, (iv) high-school drop-out, (v) health isses; and lower rates of (i) number of words heard by age three, (ii) at-or-above-average test scores at kindergarten, 4th grade [9th grade], and college and graduate/professional school entrance. Study findings support the “hypothesis of social stratification of genotypes” with a “gene-environment correlation:

Research Gaps

We are at the beginning edge of a burgeoning intersection area for genetics and social science. Some scientists take the view that in gene-environment research, it is not the environment that reflects genetic effects, but that due to “population stratification” these measured behavioral trait genes “may be acting as proxies for social environments” [Conley, 2012, p. 111] “genes shape not just behavior, but also

Cost-Benefit Considerations

USGAO – how much the U.S. spends on prenatal care, neonatal care

Institute of Medicine Study – how much prenatal care can save in later medical costs from complicated pregnancies and deliveries and neonatal care; costs and benefits of enrolling high-risk low-income women in prenatal care programs

National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality –

Institute for Women’s Policy Research –

Individuals and Organizations


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