
The importance of early childhood education

Evidence shows that early, formal education helps prepare young children for kindergarten.  Yet very few families can afford full-time quality nursery school.  Without governmental and nonprofit support, children from low-income families bring a statistically significant lower level of readiness to the k-12 system than their more resourced peers. But do early education interventions – like State-funded pre-kindergarten programs – effectively even the playing field for all children, no matter what race or SES background? 



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Life Gaps

Children who attend formal pre-K programs . . . . .

Demographics of families of children in government-funded programs vs. private nursery programs.  Differences in facilities, staff quality.

Research Gaps

Teacher training on implicit racial and SES bias.  Long-term effectiveness and scalability of early childhood education programs. 

Cost-Benefit Considerations

Costs and investments in early childhood and pre-K education.

NIEER, State(s) of Head Start:

“Head Start programs currently serve less than 40
percent of the number of 3- and 4-year-olds in
poverty and less than 5 percent of the number in
poverty under age 3. Programs serve less than 20
percent of low-income 3- and 4-year-olds and less
than 3 percent of low-income children under the
age of 3.”p.5
“Federal funding for Head Start (including Early Head
Start, AIAN, and MSHS) was more than $8.42 billion
in 2014-2015.” The program needs almost three times that amount to meet need. p.6
“Head Start and Early Head Start combined funding
per child increased slightly from $8,369 in 2007 to
$8,801 in 2015 when adjusting for inflation” p.6
– the effects of Head Start have been found to be small and diminishing over time such that one 5-year follow-up found almost none of 49 factors to show any lasting cognitive or behavioral benefit [Barnett, Science 2011, p. 976]

Individuals and Organizations


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